How to arrange your own Halloween wig

Arrange your own wig into a Halloween wig! Show off your transformation in a fun way!

In Japan, more and more people are enjoying the same Halloween every year, and each costume and hairstyle is being devised to create a unique and fun style. If you own your own wig, you can enjoy it in a different arrangement every year! Having two types, short and long, allows for a wide variety of arrangements. We will show you how to arrange it, so please use it as a reference.

1. Halloween arrangement with mesh extensions

How to arrange your own Halloween wig

A mesh wig is a wig that can be attached to any wig with mesh extensions at the desired point. Let's arrange it for Halloween with mesh extensions. The method is very simple! You can change your look into a fun Halloween wig just by clipping it where you want it.

Wouldn't it be a fun Halloween arrangement to add mesh extensions to your own long or short wig and cut it into your favorite hairstyle? At this time, make sure to hide the clip well so that it cannot be seen! Mesh extensions are one of the quickest and easiest ways to arrange your Halloween look. Please try it.

2. Halloween arrangement with curlers, braids, and hot water perm

How to arrange your own Halloween wig

Speaking of perms, don't you think of curlers heated by electricity? You may think so, but there is a way to perm your hair without using electricity. Let's make a Halloween arrangement with a hot water perm. Depending on the material of the wig, if the temperature is too high, it may damage the wig, so please check.

The procedure is to first braid the hair from half of the area into several braids. Wrap the other half in a curler. Once completed, place the wig in hot water at around 95 degrees and leave it for about 1 minute. Next, drain the water and cool the wig by pouring cold water over it. Be careful not to undo the curls before the hair cools down. This is because when the wig cools, it curls beautifully!

Try a Halloween arrangement with a hot water perm.

3. Halloween arrangement with bat hair

This is a Halloween arrangement that you can make using your own long wig. First, separate the top hair and temporarily secure it. After that, separate the hair on both sides in a zigzag pattern and tie a temporary knot. Next, let the top hair down, apply wax and tie it back. Make a round bun with the finished hair, do not tuck the ends in, make them stand up like bat ears, and secure with hard spray.

Next, raise the hair on both sides to the bun position and cross them at the base of the elastic band. At this time, secure it with an American pin. Fold the hair backwards from the base of the elastic so that it resembles a bat's wings, and harden it with hard spray to prevent the hair from falling down. Make your Halloween arrangements even more fun by adding your own unique arrangements!

4. Halloween arrangement with cat ears hair

How to arrange your own Halloween wig

If you have a short wig, you can easily make this arrangement by scooping out the hair where the cat's ears will be, and then raising the hair up little by little! Comb gently with a comb and apply heat with a hair dryer. Once both ears are completed, harden them with hard spray. Your short Halloween wig is now ready.

For long wigs, first scoop the hair above the ears, secure it loosely with an elastic, then separate the upper part of the elastic and thread the lower hair through the top. Next, tighten the elastic by splitting the hair under the elastic and pulling it. Pull out the hair from the top of the elastic, but be careful not to tighten the elastic too much or it will be difficult to pull out the hair. Pull it out so that the corners stand up, and your Halloween arrangement is complete.

Let's try making a fun Halloween arrangement!

Introducing a fun Halloween arrangement. Please try it with the previous wig. Please try making your own Halloween arrangements by adding cuts and decorations to the Halloween arrangements introduced above. An impactful Halloween arrangement will also have a big impact on the people around you! Please have a fun time with this Halloween arrangement.