Tips on how to properly cut a wig and how to care for it
How to properly cut a wig
Nowadays, wigs are becoming popular as a fashionable item and a way to freely change the length, style, and color of your hair. For those who want to cut their wig to suit them more, we will introduce you to some simple wig cutting methods and tricks that anyone can do.
Tools to use and how to cut without making mistakes

Even if you cut your hair too short, your natural hair will eventually grow back. However, this is not the case with wigs. Also, the most common mistake when wearing a wig is that it was cut too much. However, anyone can cut a wig without making mistakes with some simple tips, techniques, and changing tools.
How to properly cut a wig
First of all, please use "suki shears" as a tool. If you use regular scissors to cut your hair, the cut surface will feel rough, which not only makes it unpleasant to the touch, but can also damage the fibers of the wig. In order to cut the wig in a stable place, it is easier to use a wig stand. When you actually cut your hair, divide it into three main parts: the bangs, the top of the head, and the back of the head. This is called "blocking." It is a good idea to secure the hair that is not being cut with duck curls or hairpins.
Starting from the back of the head, divide the back of the head into upper and lower parts and hold the lower part of the hair between your index and middle fingers. If you hold the hair with your whole hand, the hair will break into pieces, so be sure to hold it between your fingers. If you cut it little by little, you can make corrections along the way, so if you proceed slowly and steadily, you won't make mistakes.
<pWigs have come to be used by many people and have become a part of everyday fashion. Now that you can easily buy them, it's useful to know how to use them. Here, we will look at how to care for and wash it after use. < p="">Don't be overly protective when caring for your wig.

Wigs require no more care than your own hair. If you use it for a short time, there is no need to wash it. It's a good idea to quickly comb it and put it in a paper box. Avoid direct sunlight and be careful to avoid dust. Be sure to consider the height so that the wig does not get crushed.
How to properly cut a wig
If you want to keep the coat neat, you can brush it, but it only takes a few times. Long hair types can generate static electricity, which can cause serious problems. Store it carefully so that it doesn't become a habit. When washing your wig, use shampoo and rinse it to make it shine and look like a new wig without feeling dry.
If you dry it too tightly with a hair dryer, it may shrink, so we recommend that you use a dry towel to absorb the moisture and comb it as you dry it. Please keep an eye on the progress to avoid mistakes. Wigs come in a variety of hair lengths, such as short, partial, and long, and the way you care for them will also vary, but the basic care method is not to overprotect them.
It's okay to wash it when you feel it's dirty. If you used mousse or hairspray to hold your hairstyle in place, wash it.