Introducing 6 techniques for dyeing wigs
Dye your wig! Introducing 6 techniques that can be used to dye materials other than colored materials
I want to have my ideal hairstyle... A simple hair wig is great for such occasions. You can quickly change the style you want, and with beautiful hair quality, you can even go on an adventure with your hair color.
Because this wig is so useful, if you change it to your own original, you will love it even more. Dyeing is a way to create an original wig look. However, you may be unsure whether you can really dye your wig. There's nothing more sad than buying a wig you love only to find out you can't use it because you colored it yourself.
However, there is good news for such people. You can dye your wig however you like! Coloring is not the only way to dye your hair!
1. Use hair chalk
The first method I'll show you is to use hair chalk. As the name suggests, chalk made specifically for hair is applied directly to the wig. It feels more like painting than dyeing. Best of all, it has good color payoff, so it's recommended for adding accents. Of course, you can wash it off after dyeing, so you can enjoy it with confidence.
2. Use Copig
The next method of dyeing is using an alcohol marker. Copic is a type of permanent marker and is a type of pen. There are two types of pen nibs, making it easy to use for fine details. There are so many color variations, so it's full of playfulness. The method of using nail polish remover to extend the color while dyeing is popular among users as being easy. The color is dyed while extending it, resulting in a thinner finish. This is a dyeing method that seeks out wigs with flashy and bright colors, especially those used by cosplay fans.
3. Use black tea
The next method of dyeing is using black tea. You might be surprised, but it's a secret technique that allows you to dye wigs beautifully just like dyeing cloth. Depending on the length and amount of hair of the wig, prepare a considerable amount of tea bags. Boil the tea bags in a pot, and once they have cooled down to a certain extent, add the wig. The finish is a light and lightly dyed feeling. It depends on the amount of tea you boiled, but the dye will be barely noticeable when dyeing a gray wig.
4. Use Dylon
The next method of dyeing is using Dylon. Dylon is the name of a dye for clothing and textiles, and is one of the most popular dyes among wig enthusiasts. Similar to black tea dyeing, this method involves boiling Dyron powder in a pot and soaking the wig in it. As expected from dyes, the coloring is good and the finish is beautiful.
5. Use acrylic gouache
The fifth method of dyeing is using acrylic gouache. Acrylic gouache is a type of paint that, like Copic, can be purchased at stationery stores. Add salt and a tube of acrylic gouache to hot water, then put the wig in there and dye it. It has good color development and usually stains beautifully. We have introduced three methods of soaking in boiled dye, but it can be said that acrylic gouache has a high success rate.
6. Use hair coloring materials
The last method is to dye your hair with a standard hair coloring agent. However, coloring agents cannot be used unless the wig is made of 100% human hair. If even a small amount of artificial hair is mixed into the wig, the treated wig will shrink like a bird's nest and become impossible to comb, making it unusable. Therefore, be sure to check the material of your wig in advance. That said, out of all the methods we have introduced, this method is the most recommended as it is the most beautiful and reliable method. Some beauty salons also offer this service, so it's a good idea to consult with them when customizing your favorite expensive wig.
How was it? There are so many items that can be simply dyed. There are still many items that I can't introduce yet, but I've introduced recommended items that are especially easy and hard to fail. Wigs can be dyed, and there are many ways to dye them. If you know the correct way to do it, you should be able to take on the challenge without worrying about it being difficult! When you fail in choosing a wig color, or when you want to achieve your ideal hair color, please remember the dyeing method introduced in the article.