How to make twin tails with a wig and tips

Points to remember when creating twintails with a wig

Twintails are a very cute hairstyle. Recently, "twin tail girls" have become popular. However, there are many people who say, ``I want to have twin tails, but my hair isn't long enough.'' In such cases, we recommend using a wig. With a wig, you can easily transform your hair into twintails regardless of its length. Here we will introduce how to create twintails using a wig and some tips.

1. There are three types of twintails

How to make twin tails with a wig and tips

Twintails are a hairstyle in which the hair is divided into left and right sides. There are three main types. The first one is "Rabbit Style". This style is also known as the "royal twintails" and is also familiar to the Vocaloid character Hatsune Miku and Sailor Moon's main character Tsukino Usagi.

The second one is "regular style". This style appeared in the 1990s. It is characterized by its flexibility and wide range of arrangements.

The third one is "Country Style". In the past, the hairstyle was called "pigtails." This hairstyle brings out the ``relaxedness'' that is unique to Japanese people.

These are the types of twintails. Each has its own benefits, so try out different styles. Once you get used to it, try making your own arrangements.

2. Create twintails with a wig using a bangs

How to make twin tails with a wig and tips

You need to be careful when creating twintails with a wig. If you treat wigs like natural hair, they may develop unnatural curls or damage your hair. To avoid such troubles, we recommend using "Vance". Vances prevent common problems with twintails.

Vance is very easy to use. After creating small twintails with the wig, simply attach the buns to each side. Anyone can easily attach it by simply clipping the bun onto your hair and hooking it up. Furthermore, you can expect an increase in overall volume.

3. Curl the wig to add cuteness

How to make twin tails with a wig and tips

By curling the entire wig, you can bring out the cuteness of the twin tails even more. We especially recommend the ``regular style,'' which has a wide range of arrangements. When tying your twin tails, try to tie them so that they fall just above your ears. Also, if you put your bangs up, it will give you a mature and cute look. Try out different styles to match your mood and image of the day.

4. A bun style that gives you a youthful look

How to make twin tails with a wig and tips

If you want to show off your youthfulness, we recommend bun-style twintails. Bun-style twintails can create a girlish atmosphere. It looks less like an anime character than regular twintails, so it's a style that is easy for adults to adopt.

How to make a bun-style twintail is very easy. Divide the wig in the center to create two strands. Finally, wrap the hair strands around and you're done. Wrapping the wig roughly will give it more pop, while wrapping it tightly will give it a more mature look. When creating twintails, the key is to tie the top part high.

These are the points to keep in mind when creating twintails with a wig. There are three types of twintails, and using a bang can prevent damage to the wig. You can also create more attractive twintails by curling them or making them into a bun. Please use this as a reference for creating twintails using a wig.