Is protein effective for hair loss in women? Explanation of effects and usage

Is protein effective for hair loss in women? Or not?

If you are reading this article, you are probably thinking something like this.

"I heard that drinking protein can cure thinning hair. Is that true? How does it work?"

The conclusion is that "in some cases hair loss can be cured."

This time, we will explain the reasons for this and the mechanism by which protein improves thinning hair (hair loss).

1. Cases where protein can treat thinning hair

Is protein effective for hair loss in women? Or not?

Protein simply means "protein."

The main component of hair is a protein called keratin, and protein is normally preferentially distributed to areas necessary for sustaining life.

In terms of hierarchy, hair is a low priority.

Therefore, the logic goes that "by consuming protein in addition to the protein you consume in your diet, the protein can be used to produce hair."

In other words, the only case in which taking protein will cure hair loss is when the hair loss is caused by a lack of protein.

If your hair loss is caused by illness or stress, it may not be very effective.

*For healthy hair, it is important to take in not only protein but also vitamins and minerals.

2. First, it is important to identify the cause of hair loss

Is protein effective for hair loss in women? Or not?

As mentioned above, if hair loss is caused by illness, stress, aging, etc., a medical approach is required.

Hair loss caused by stress can be improved by adjusting your lifestyle, but if you have what is known as "diffuse alopecia" or "seborrheic alopecia," you should see a doctor immediately.

If you are unsure, we recommend visiting a clinic.

3. Wear a wig

Is protein effective for hair loss in women? Or not?

If you're thinking, "I want to do something about my thinning hair right now! I don't want others to notice!" then using a wig might be a good idea.

For example, if you are concerned about thinning hair only on the top of your head, you can use a partial wig, which doesn't cost that much.

Some people may worry that others will notice that they're wearing a wig, but once you put it on, you'll be surprised at how easily no one can tell.

If you're so worried about your thinning hair that you don't even want to go outside, why not wear a wig proudly and enjoy life?

Our site offers a wide selection of high-quality wigs that can be purchased for under 10,000 yen, so we can recommend them with confidence.

If you are suffering from thinning hair and want to change your life, please give us a try.