How to attach a clip-type bang wig and twin tails
How to attach a clip-type bang wig and twin tails
Clip-type bang wigs can be easily attached to natural hair or wigs, making them perfect for twin-tail styles.
This time, we will introduce you to the correct way to wear a bang wig and how to create twintails using a wig. Also, pay attention to the difference from the arrangement using a full wig.

What is Vance?
"Vance" is a word you often see in wig shops and cosplay-related pages, and refers to a "bun wig."
A bun wig is a wig that is often used to tie long hair together, and is attached using a bun clip (barrette). A bang clip is a type of hair clip that clips the hair with jagged claws, and there are not only clip-type bang wigs but also Velcro-type bang wigs.
Bun wigs are popular for everyday use as they can be enjoyed not only on wigs but also on natural hair.
How to wear a bun wig correctly

Whether you are attaching a bang wig to your natural hair or to a wig, the basic steps are as follows.
[1] Divide your hair to the left and right and tie it at the part where you want to create twintails.
If your hair isn't long enough, tie it in a smaller knot so the clip can easily catch it.
[2] Attach the bun wig by firmly pinching it to the tied part.
[3] Add your desired styling to the wig and it's complete.
Points to note when attaching a bang wig to natural hair
When attaching a bun wig to natural hair, it is best to have at least enough hair length to tie it. This will make your bun wig look prettier.
When using a bang wig, attach it with the image of adding length to your hair.
Points to note when attaching a bang wig to a full wig

If you want to attach a bang wig to a full wig, it is best to choose a short, bob, or medium-length full wig.
However, a tail that is too voluminous can make a full wig heavy and slip off easily.
If you feel it is too heavy, use scissors to adjust the amount of hair in your bun wig.
How to make twintails with a wig
There are two main ways to create twintails with a wig. The first method is to use a long full wig and tie the twin tails yourself. The second method is to attach the bun wig to the left and right sides of your natural hair or full wig. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to check them carefully before making your choice.
Advantages and disadvantages of twin tails using full wigs and bun wigs
Advantages of twin tails using a full wig
・It's simple because you only need to buy one long full wig.
・The twin tail part looks natural.
Disadvantages of twin tails using a full wig
・For wigs that do not use artificial scalp, the net may be visible through the parting.
・It takes some skill to hide the parting well, and it can be difficult to finish.
・It is difficult to keep the set.
・Depending on the amount of hair in the full wig, the volume may not be visible.
Advantages and disadvantages of twin tails using bun wigs
Advantages of twin tails using bun wigs
-Can be attached to both natural hair and full wigs.
- You can easily create twin tails using clips or Velcro.
-Easy to adjust volume and style freely.
・You can attach it without worrying about the parting.
Disadvantages of twin tails using bun wigs
・If you use a voluminous bang wig, it may become heavy.
・For cosplay, etc. that cannot be done with natural hair, you will need both a full wig and a bun wig.
The girlish and cute twintails are very popular not only for off-day fashion but also for cosplay. With a bun wig, having voluminous twin tails is no longer a dream. Try using a bang wig to enjoy styles that you wouldn't normally be able to do!