5 ways to solidify your wig! Choose the hairstyle of the character you want

Create the hairstyle of the character you want! 5 ways to harden your wig

Wigs are essential for cosplaying as anime characters. Since the hairstyles of 2D characters are unique, we recommend using wigs rather than natural hair.

However, in order to get closer to the ideal character you want to be, you must defy gravity to make your hair stand up and maintain its shape. In such a case, how should you strengthen your hair? This time, we will introduce 5 ways to harden your wig.

[1] Harden with wax and spray

Wax, which is well-known for styling natural hair, is also often used to set wigs. It is used to create hair flow and make it easier to set, but wax alone may not have enough holding power. However, if you apply too much wax, it will become heavy and the wig may become flat.

Therefore, when setting your wig with wax, we recommend applying it as thinly as possible and then hardening it with a spray. You can also use hard wax and gel specifically made for wigs.

[2] Harden with hard spray

There is also a way to finish with just hard spray without using wax. In this case, repeat "set → spray → dryer" for each part to style.

Use a hair dryer to keep the shape with heat. If you want to create curls at the ends of your wig, use your fingers to create a shape while applying the hair dryer. If the wig is heat-resistant, you can use a hair dryer or curling iron. After using a hair dryer or curling iron, cool the hair with cold air to increase its holding power.

To finish, spray the entire wig with hard spray and you're done.

[3] Harden with gelatin

5 ways to solidify your wig! Choose the hairstyle of the character you want

Next, we will show you how to harden a wig without using styling products. The item used is edible gelatin. Gelatin is well-known among cosplayers for its long-lasting properties. This is especially useful when you want to create beautiful hair strands.

To use, first dissolve gelatin in hot water and make it into a thick gel. It will be very hot immediately after dissolving it in hot water, so let it cool down a little before using it.

After shaping the wig into the desired shape and securing it with hair clips, apply gelatin as if you were applying hair gel. The gelatin will dry and harden while it is being applied to the wig, so it is important to set it quickly.

[4] Solidify with glue

5 ways to solidify your wig! Choose the hairstyle of the character you want

The bond here refers to "woodworking bond." Dilute the bond with water and apply it to your hair to create a shape, similar to the method using gelatin that I introduced earlier.

If you want to further increase the holding power, you can spray it with a hard spray as a final touch.

The disadvantage of using bond is that it is difficult to return the wig to its original state even after washing, but it hardens more slowly than gelatin, so it is suitable for those who are not good at working quickly.

[5] Harden with glue

Water glue has a gentler setting force than bond and is easier to use. Prepare a transparent glue with a sponge attached to the tip.

Do not thin the glue, just apply it to the set wig. It doesn't have the same staying power as gelatin or bond, but you don't have to worry about it if you use it with a hard spray.

in conclusion

Unlike natural hair, wigs can be hardened using items such as gelatin, glue, and glue. With a wig, you may be able to create sets and arrangements that cannot be done with natural hair.Use a hard spray, hair dryer, or iron (for heat-resistant wigs) to improve the ability to hold your hair.

By the way, if you want to harden a wig, rather than applying glue or gelatin to the wig all at once, we recommend trying it on a wig that you no longer use or a wig that has been cut unsuccessfully, if possible.

Make a wonderful wig set and enjoy cosplay to the fullest!