Summary of information about wig pins and airplane security inspections

Regarding the reaction of pins during wig airplane security inspections

We have compiled the following information on whether wig pins will react during airplane security screening.

Summary of information about wig pins and airplane security inspections

Wig pin and security check

Some wigs use fixing pins and some do not. There are metal and plastic types of fixing pins, but there have been no reports from customers who have used our wigs that the wig pins have reacted to metal detectors or manual security checks during domestic or international flight security checks.

Here are the results of our inquiry to Haneda Airport.

In the case of domestic flights, I received a response that said, ``If the pin is metal, it may be activated, but the metal detector has never actually activated it.'' Therefore, we received a response saying, ``Before passing the test, please let the staff know that you are using hairpins, and they should be able to help you if the machine reacts.'' Also, if you plan to use a bar-shaped metal detector, please let them know in advance and they will give you some consideration.

Even on international flights, if the fixing pin of the wig is made of metal, it will react. If you report this to the staff before going under the detector, they will tell you that they will conduct a physical examination.

If the wig's fixing pins are metal on both domestic and international flights, there is a possibility of a reaction, so if you are concerned, it is best to tell the staff before the test. Customers who have actually contacted our store have reported that they have never had a metal detector set off, so we don't think there is any need to worry too much.

What to do if the fixed pin is detected by a metal detector

In the case of domestic flights, we received the following response: ``Due to this being a sensitive private matter, we will not instruct you to remove your wig on the spot.'' Testing in a separate room may not be possible depending on the situation or airport facilities, so we cannot guarantee it, but we will make every effort to do so.

In the case of international flights, the answer was, ``We cannot guarantee that we will never instruct you to remove it on the spot,'' but we believe that the staff will only instruct you as a last resort. Also, it depends on the regulations of the destination country, so you will need to apply before the inspection in that country. In other words, it seems unlikely that you will be asked to remove it during the inspection in the country you arrive at, but it may be stricter on international flights. They say they will receive the utmost consideration.

There is no need to worry on domestic flights. When leaving the country, it may be a good idea to inform the staff before going through the metal detector inspection, as this will depend on the inspection standards and procedures of the country you are arriving at. However, customers who have actually contacted our store have told us that they have never had a metal detector set off.