ウィッグの選び方 ·
What is the importance of adjusting the wig size to maintain a natural look?
The importance of wig size adjustment
Adjusting the size of your wig may be something that is often overlooked, but it is actually very important. If a wig is worn in a way that doesn't fit your head, it will be difficult to maintain a natural look. There is also a greater chance that others will find out.
1. We recommend one with an adjuster.

We recommend choosing a wig with an adjuster. Wigs with adjusters do not slip easily and provide a natural fit. Below are the hidden points of natural wigs.
- Must have an adjuster
Wigs with adjusters can be adjusted to fit your head, so be sure to try them out.
2. Check out the high-stretch power band wig

Wigs that use a high-stretch power band have 2.5 cm more stretch than regular wigs. Therefore, please check the product specifications carefully as there may be cases where an adjuster is not required.